Sophie Filomena: Sustainable Handmade Jewellery Competition
Concept and graphics designed by Emma Blake Morsi … Sophie Filomena: Sustainable Handmade Jewellery Competition
E M M A | B L A K E | M O R S I
Award-Winning Multi-Disciplinary Artist, Production Manager & Creative Researcher
Concept and graphics designed by Emma Blake Morsi … Sophie Filomena: Sustainable Handmade Jewellery Competition
Concept and digital art designed by Emma Blake Morsi … University of Manchester: official ‘Sustainable Futures’ degree show poster
A week of reprehensible COVID-19 remarks by those in power has raised many questions on how far they will go to protect – or exploit – those most in need … How COVID-19 is making the rich greedier and the poor poorer
Gallery of Emma Blake Morsi’s sketchbook paintings. Materials predominantly consist of acrylic and oil paints, inks and oil pastels. … Sketchbook: Painting
Gallery of graphic sketchbook illustrations. Materials predominantly consist of inks, pens and acrylic paint. … Sketchbook: Graphic
Inspired by artwork consisting of mixed media experiments derived from another artists work. … Inspired By